Is Online Learning as Good as Face-to-Face Learning?

Is Online Learning as Good as Face-to-Face Learning?

  • Mar 19, 2023
  • 4 min read

If you’re considering taking an online course, you might be worried that it won’t match up to face-to-face learning. But online learning can provide benefits that you wouldn’t get from an in-person course, such as:

  • The flexibility to choose when and where you study
  • A wider selection of subjects and courses
  • More cost-effective options to suit your budget

In this post, we’ll highlight some common myths surrounding online learning and reveal the truths behind them.

Myth #1: You Won’t Earn a Proper Qualification

You’ll be able to earn your required qualification through an online college or university course if it’s accredited by an organization representing your prospective employer. While not every online course will present you with a degree upon completion, this doesn’t mean you’ll go without any kind of qualification.

Online learning potentially offers:

  • Academic qualifications, such as diplomas
  • Technical or vocational qualifications
  • Certifications or accreditation from professional bodies, such as CPD.

As long as you do your research, you should be able to find an online course that will provide a qualification recognized in your industry.

Myth #2: You Have to Teach Yourself the Material

Though some learners might prefer the self-guided approach, it isn’t for everyone. Luckily, online learning isn’t just a faceless form of education – many online courses provide teachers, tutors, or mentors to help you with the material.

Support can take the form of online lessons, webinars, one-on-one sessions, or virtual “office hours.” All of these will provide you with opportunities to ask questions and get feedback on your work, enabling you to optimize the experience.

Myth #3: It Won’t Be as Rigorous as In-Person Learning

Despite popular beliefs, online learning isn’t inherently easier than in-person learning: If you’re expecting an online course to be all reading and no doing, think again.

In addition to progressing through the material provided, you might need to:

  • Complete coursework
  • Turn in assessments for marking
  • Study for and take exams

Many online courses also include practical elements – such as try-it-yourself exercises or regular quizzes – to test your knowledge.

As with face-to-face learning, online learning will require you to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the subject while providing everything you need to achieve that.

Myth #4: You Can’t Interact with Other Students

While you won’t usually get to meet your classmates face-to-face, online learning can offer opportunities to interact with fellow students worldwide. Along with attending virtual classes, you might get access to a private social media or WhatsApp group or regularly contribute to a forum.

These online conversations can help you gain insights into the subject from people you might never otherwise encounter. You’ll also get to support each other through any learning issues that might arise.

Myth #5: Employers Will Disregard Online Learning

While employers might have looked down on online courses in the recent past, this is no longer true. With online learning growing in popularity, employers are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits and opportunities it can present.

And in addition to the subject-related knowledge and qualifications you’ll gain from the material itself, online learning will teach you many of the transferable skills that employers look for, such as:

  • The ability to manage your time effectively
  • The confidence to work independently
  • An understanding of common IT programs
  • Familiarity with communicating and collaborating online

As long as your resume or cover letter properly conveys the skills you’ve gained from an online course, you should be able to impress employers just as much as if it had been face-to-face.

Knowadays Courses

We’re proud to provide comprehensive online courses that set you up with everything you need to succeed. Both our Becoming A Proofreader and Becoming An Editor courses offer:

  • One-on-one tutor support
  • Fully assessed learning
  • CPD accreditation
  • Course content written by industry experts

If you’re interested, start now and save money with the course bundle or get a taste of online learning with a free trial.

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