Vocabulary Tips

An archive of posts covering vocabulary tips and word choice. Find out more about the common linguistic errors. Check out our editing advice to make sure you can proofread and edit documents effectively.

  • What to Do with the Singular They

    What to Do with the Singular They

    Apr 05, 2020

    • Common Errors
    • Editing Tips
    • Grammar
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Style
    • Vocabulary Tips

    Becoming A Proofreader Are you interested in becoming a freelance proofreader, but not sure where to begin? Our comprehensive Becoming A Proofreader course is a great place to start! Sign up for a free trial and try it out today.

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  • How to Use Google Ngram Viewer While Proofreading

    How to Use Google Ngram Viewer While Proofreading

    Mar 05, 2020

    • Editing Tips
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Vocabulary Tips

    Google offers many tools that a proofreader might use. One of the most underappreciated is the Google Books Ngram Viewer, which you can use to see how common certain words are in a piece of content. So, how does the Ngram Viewer work? And how can you use it while proofreading? What Is an Ngram? […]

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  • Proofreading and Editing Tips: Word Choice: Similar Words or Similar Meanings?

    Word Choice: Similar Words or Similar Meanings?

    Mar 20, 2019

    • Common Errors
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Spelling
    • Vocabulary Tips

    Our rich, annoying language has many words whose meanings are subtly distinct. It also has many words with similar spellings. Sometimes the two intersect and we get a double whammy of confusion. Today, we look at two pairs of words we suspect are trying to catch us out. The first is recur and reoccur, which […]

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  • Proofreading Tips: Working With Religious Terms

    Feb 03, 2019

    • Common Errors
    • Grammar
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Punctuation
    • Vocabulary Tips

    And lo, the proofreader corrected the spelling and the grammar, and she did separate sentence from sentence with proper punctuation. For six days she did this, and on the seventh day she did this also, for she worked freelance and could not afford to rest. Don’t worry, we haven’t changed our style to reflect the […]

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  • Proofreading and Editing Tips: Three Confusing Spellings Explained

    Three Confusing Spellings Explained

    Nov 13, 2018

    • Common Errors
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Spelling
    • Vocabulary Tips

    We understand. You’ve been under a lot of strain recently. A proofreader’s job is not always easy. And sometimes the wrong spellings look so right. But don’t be fazed by or rack your brain over the constrictive straitjacket of spelling. Instead, join us for a look at the origins of these three confusing words, as […]

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  • Negative Prefixes

    Aug 07, 2018

    • Common Errors
    • ESL Writing
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Spelling
    • Vocabulary Tips

    English is a magpie language. It picks up shiny words wherever it can, and it doesn’t care how disorganised its rules become in the process. Or should that be ‘unorganised’? Take prefixes, for instance. We have de-, dis-, un-, and in-, all of which signify that something isn’t the case. And they’re not the only […]

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  • Common Latin Terms

    Mar 26, 2018

    • Vocabulary Tips

    You might want to throw on some Ricky Martin before you read this because we’re going Latin. Unfortunately, it’s not going to be as sexy as Señor Martin was at his hip-gyrating peak. In your proofreading career you will encounter several Latin terms, and you may already be familiar with many of them. However, it’s […]

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  • All Together Now! Or Altogether Now?

    Feb 21, 2018

    • Common Errors
    • Spelling
    • Vocabulary Tips

    The classic movie Airplane! plays on the similarity between the terms all together and altogether. In that film, the protagonist discovers that pressing the autopilot button is counterproductive. But when he explains this and uses the word altogether to mean entirely, his companions respond by echoing his words all together. And, lo, we immediately see […]

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  • Unruly Prefixes: Pre and Pro

    Unruly Prefixes: Pre and Pro

    Jan 23, 2018

    • Common Errors
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Vocabulary Tips

    Prefixes. Can’t live with ‘em, can’t communicate without ‘em. Can’t even say prefixes without ‘em. And we can see both how essential and how tricky they are by looking at the words prescribe and proscribe. First, though, some preliminaries. Prefixes for Beginners If you’re pursuing a career in proofreading, you probably know a thing or […]

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  • Proofreading and Editing Tips: When Alright and Anymore Aren’t All Right Any More

    When Alright and Anymore Aren’t All Right Any More

    When Alright and Anymore Aren’t All Right Any More

    Jan 16, 2018

    • Common Errors
    • Other Errors
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Spelling
    • Vocabulary Tips

    Even as a proofreader, alright and anymore may not ring any alarm bells. In less formal English, both are common. But two things you may need to know about these words include: That alright technically isn’t a word. That anymore (as one word) has a very specific usage. So put on your editing hats and […]

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