
In these posts, we look at issues related to spelling and common spelling errors. Brush up on your proofreading and editing skills with Knowadays.

  • Proofreading Tips: What Is Oxford Spelling?

    Proofreading Tips: What Is Oxford Spelling?

    Apr 08, 2021

    • Common Errors
    • Dialects
    • Editing Tips
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Spelling

    As a proofreader, you might come across the term Oxford spelling. But what does this mean? And how should you approach a document if your client specifies using it? In this post, we explain everything you need to know to proofread documents effectively. If you’re not sure which spelling to use for a term, check […]

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  • 5 More Misused Phrases to Look Out for While Proofreading

    5 More Misused Phrases to Look Out for While Proofreading

    Mar 21, 2021

    • Common Errors
    • Other Errors
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Spelling
    • Vocabulary Tips

    As a proofreader, you need to be on the lookout for misspelled words and phrases. To help you on this count, we previously looked at five commonly misused phrases. But there are plenty more to look out for! In this post, we’ll take you through five more. 1. Wet Your Appetite (Whet Your Appetite) The phrase […]

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A Proofreader’s Guide to Latin Plural Word Endings

  • 5 Errors New Proofreaders Often Miss

    Jan 14, 2021

    • Common Errors
    • Editing Tips
    • Other Errors
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Punctuation
    • Spelling

    Proofreaders need to be careful not to overlook mistakes in text while they work. Here, for instance, we’re going to look at five errors that new proofreaders often miss in documents: Mix-ups involving unfamiliar homophones. Multiple independent clauses combined in a comma splice. Inconsistencies in a document that don’t involve explicit errors. Misplaced or missing […]

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  • 5 Tips for Proofreading Different English Dialects

    Nov 29, 2020

    • Common Errors
    • Editing Tips
    • Other Errors
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Punctuation
    • Spelling
    • Vocabulary Tips

    One benefit of freelance proofreading is that you can work with clients all around the world. But this may mean you encounter English dialects that differ from the one you know best. And while this can pose challenges for proofreaders, we have a few tips that can help: Set the language preferences in your word […]

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  • Proofreading Tips: A Quick Guide to Canadian English

    Nov 22, 2020

    • Common Errors
    • Dialects
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Punctuation
    • Spelling
    • Style

    Canadian English combines aspects of both American and British English, as well as having its own purely Canadian terminology and usage. We’ve put together a quick guide to Canadian English for proofreaders to highlight general guidelines for working with this dialect. Canadian English Spelling Canadian English usually follows British spelling conventions. For instance: Canadian English: […]

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  • Proofreading Resources: Online Dictionaries

    Jul 26, 2020

    • Common Errors
    • Editing Tips
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Spelling

    As a proofreader, you may be proud of your vocabulary. But we all need to look up words now and then. And with that in mind, it pays to bookmark a few online dictionaries! Which are the best for hardworking proofreaders? Take your pick from the following… Free Online Dictionaries Of the major print dictionaries […]

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  • Proofreading and Editing Tips: Word Choice: Similar Words or Similar Meanings?

    Word Choice: Similar Words or Similar Meanings?

    Mar 20, 2019

    • Common Errors
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Spelling
    • Vocabulary Tips

    Our rich, annoying language has many words whose meanings are subtly distinct. It also has many words with similar spellings. Sometimes the two intersect and we get a double whammy of confusion. Today, we look at two pairs of words we suspect are trying to catch us out. The first is recur and reoccur, which […]

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  • Proofreading and Editing Tips: Three Confusing Spellings Explained

    Three Confusing Spellings Explained

    Nov 13, 2018

    • Common Errors
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Spelling
    • Vocabulary Tips

    We understand. You’ve been under a lot of strain recently. A proofreader’s job is not always easy. And sometimes the wrong spellings look so right. But don’t be fazed by or rack your brain over the constrictive straitjacket of spelling. Instead, join us for a look at the origins of these three confusing words, as […]

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  • Negative Prefixes

    Negative Prefixes

    Aug 07, 2018

    • Common Errors
    • ESL Writing
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Spelling
    • Vocabulary Tips

    English is a magpie language. It picks up shiny words wherever it can, and it doesn’t care how disorganised its rules become in the process. Or should that be ‘unorganised’? Take prefixes, for instance. We have de-, dis-, un-, and in-, all of which signify that something isn’t the case. And they’re not the only […]

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  • Poetic Licence

    Poetic Licence

    May 04, 2018

    • Common Errors
    • Creative Writing
    • Other Errors
    • Spelling
    • Style

    We took a little census of the people on our team, And the general consensus was things are not as they seem. Some words use a simple ‘s’ to settle spelling strains, While certain others celebrate soft ‘c’’s fancy refrains.   Moreover, you may realise that Britain’s hallowed ground Prioritises ‘s’ when words utilise a […]

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