Other Errors

An archive of posts covering assorted issues that proofreaders and editors may encounter in their work. Among other things, this includes the regional differences between English dialects, abbreviations, numbers, capitalisation, and many other errors that occur in English-language writing.

  • Date Format Variations: Little-Endian, Middle-Endian, Big-Endian

    Date Format Variations: Little-Endian, Middle-Endian, Big-Endian

    Aug 30, 2020

    • Common Errors
    • Editing Tips
    • Other Errors
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Style

    In the Becoming A Proofreader course, we look at how date formats differ between American English and British/Australian English. There are, though, more than three countries in the world, so it’s worth looking at regional date format variations more generally. Otherwise, simply leave a comment prompting your client to check the date format(s) used in […]

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  • 5 Misused Phrases to Watch Out for While Proofreading

    5 Misused Phrases to Watch Out for While Proofreading

    Jul 19, 2020

    • Common Errors
    • Other Errors
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Vocabulary Tips

    Proofreading is much easier when you know what to look for in a document. That’s why we cover many common errors in our Becoming A Proofreader course. And to help you spot even more mistakes, in this post, we’re looking at five commonly misused phrases. First Come, First Serve (First Come, First Served) That’s it […]

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Writing the Time: AM and PM or a.m. and p.m.?

  • What to Do with Tentative Language

    Jan 13, 2020

    • Common Errors
    • Other Errors
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Style
    • Vocabulary Tips

    Tentative language – also known as – is a common feature of many types of writing. But what exactly do we mean by tentative language? And what should you do if you encounter hedging when editing or proofreading a document? In this post, we explain all. What Do We Mean by Hedging? If a document […]

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  • The Ideal Date

    The Ideal Date

    Dec 11, 2018

    • Common Errors
    • Dialects
    • Other Errors
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Style

    Hello, reader. You look lovely today. We at Knowadays know this may seem a little forward, but… what would your dream date be? Our dates aren’t terribly romantic, but they’re always formatted impeccably. Yes, today we’re talking about the finer points of formatting dates in writing. Regional Differences The main issue that determines date format […]

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  • Capitalisation: Compass Points and Titles

    Jul 02, 2018

    • Common Errors
    • Grammar
    • Other Errors
    • Proofreading Tips

    In our time training proofreaders, we’ve noticed that the subtleties of capitalisation can sometimes confuse even the best students. So, today, we’re going to look at two tricky capitalisation issues that might trip you up: compass points and titles. Compass Points and Directions It is a common misconception that the four compass directions should always […]

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  • Poetic Licence

    May 04, 2018

    • Common Errors
    • Creative Writing
    • Other Errors
    • Spelling
    • Style

    We took a little census of the people on our team, And the general consensus was things are not as they seem. Some words use a simple ‘s’ to settle spelling strains, While certain others celebrate soft ‘c’’s fancy refrains.   Moreover, you may realise that Britain’s hallowed ground Prioritises ‘s’ when words utilise a […]

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  • Transatlantic Differences: 3 Tips on UK vs. US Punctuation

    Feb 06, 2018

    • Common Errors
    • Other Errors
    • Punctuation

    America and the UK have been cultural cousins for some time. For better or for worse, they therefore bear some striking resemblances, such as sharing a language. But there are some important differences in how each country uses English. The differences between UK and US spelling (e.g. organise vs. organize) and word usage (e.g. trousers […]

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  • Proofreading and Editing Tips: When Alright and Anymore Aren’t All Right Any More

    When Alright and Anymore Aren’t All Right Any More

    Jan 16, 2018

    • Common Errors
    • Other Errors
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Spelling
    • Vocabulary Tips

    Even as a proofreader, alright and anymore may not ring any alarm bells. In less formal English, both are common. But two things you may need to know about these words include: That alright technically isn’t a word. That anymore (as one word) has a very specific usage. So put on your editing hats and […]

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