
In these posts, we look at issues related to formatting a document that you may encounter as a proofreader. Our aim is for this to include tips on a range of programs and file types, helping you to format everything from Microsoft Word documents to PDFs. We will also look at how to use various software packages that are useful for editors and proofreaders.

  • How to Edit Documents and Text for Accessibility

    How to Edit Documents and Text for Accessibility

    How to Edit Documents and Text for Accessibility

    Jan 14, 2023

    • Editing Tips
    • Formatting

    As an editor, you may be tasked with editing a document to improve accessibility. But what exactly does this involve? In this post, we’ll take you through what accessibility means in writing and our top tips for editing text with accessibility in mind. What Is Accessibility in Writing? Accessibility is the process of making sure […]

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  • What Is an Epigraph? (And How to Format One)

    What Is an Epigraph? (And How to Format One)

    Jan 02, 2023

    • Creative Writing
    • Editing Tips
    • Formatting
    • Proofreading Tips

    When editing novels and other types of books, you may come across an epigraph or two. But what exactly is an epigraph, and how should you approach them as an editor? We’ll explain everything you must know about these literary devices, including the different ways to format them. What’s an Epigraph? An epigraph is a […]

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A Complete Guide to Formatting Tools in Microsoft Word

  • Titles in Academic Writing

    Oct 11, 2022

    • Academic Editing
    • Editing Tips
    • Formatting
    • Proofreading Tips

    In academic writing, a strong title hooks the reader, reflects the tone and content of the paper, and contains keywords to increase the paper’s visibility on search engines. If you’re an editor working with academic clients, you may need to highlight issues in their titles and subtitles. Read on for some tips on how to […]

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  • 5 Questions to Ask When Editing a Listicle

    Aug 03, 2022

    • Business Editing
    • Editing Tips
    • Formatting
    • Proofreading Tips

    If you edit articles or blog posts for business clients, at some point you’ll probably need to edit one of the most popular formats out there nowadays – the listicle. As the name suggests, a listicle is a piece of writing that organizes its sections as a numbered list – just like this post, in […]

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  • Proofreading Tips: How to Fix Ghost Formatting in MS Word

    Aug 01, 2021

    • Editing Tips
    • Formatting
    • Proofreading Tips

    When working as a proofreader, you might find that some clients ask you to correct the formatting of a document. But have you ever come across a layout issue in Microsoft Word that seems impossible to fix? If so, you may have experienced the spectre of ghost formatting. This post will explain what this means […]

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  • Editing Tips: Scene Breaks in Books and Manuscripts

    Feb 21, 2021

    • Creative Writing
    • Editing Tips
    • Formatting
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Style

    When a book is divided into sections, each chapter will typically start on a new page. But what about scene changes within a chapter? How do writers and publishers indicate a shift of perspective, time, or location? And what do you need to know about this as a proofreader? In this post, we take a […]

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  • When to Use Italics for Non-English Words

    Feb 11, 2021

    • Common Errors
    • Editing Tips
    • Formatting
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Style

    In English-language writing, words from other languages are often presented in italics. As a proofreader, you may therefore need to check that such words are presented correctly. Becoming A Proofreader The Becoming A Proofreader course covers everything you need to know to start working as a freelance proofreader! Sign up for a free trial today […]

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  • Editing Tips: Typographic Rivers Explained

    Jan 17, 2021

    • Editing Tips
    • Formatting
    • Other Errors
    • Proofreading Tips

    When proofreading a typeset text, such as page proofs for a book, you may need to keep an eye out for rivers. No, we don’t mean bodies of water. We mean gaps in the text. To find out what rivers are and what to do with them, check out our guide below. Rivers in Text […]

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  • Editing Tips: Widows and Orphans Explained

    Editing Tips: Widows and Orphans Explained

    Sep 20, 2020

    • Editing Tips
    • Formatting
    • Proofreading Tips

    As a proofreader, if you work with a publisher, they might ask you to look out for widows and orphans in a typeset text. But this can be tricky, as not everyone uses these words in the same way! In this post, then, we’ll explain the basics, includingRead on below to find out what to […]

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  • Understanding the Proofing Options in Microsoft Word

    Understanding the Proofing Options in Microsoft Word

    Jun 25, 2020

    • Editing Tips
    • Formatting
    • Proofreading Tips

    The spellchecker in Microsoft Word cannot replace expert proofreading, but it can be a useful tool for proofreaders. We look at this in our Becoming A Proofreader course. However, to make the most of this tool, you need to understand the proofing options in Microsoft Word. How to Access the Proofing Options in Microsoft Word […]

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