Common Errors

In these posts, we look at common errors that proofreaders and editors may encounter in their work. This will include issues related to spelling, grammar, punctuation, and other aspects of writing.

  • Proofreading Tips: Can You Start a Sentence with a Conjunction?

    Proofreading Tips: Can You Start a Sentence with a Conjunction?

    Nov 21, 2021

    • Common Errors
    • Grammar
    • Proofreading Tips

    As a proofreader, you need to be able to spot and fix grammatical errors. You may have been taught that starting a sentence with a conjunction is one of these errors, but this is in fact a common grammar myth! In this post, we’ll explain what a coordinating conjunction is and why you probably don’t […]

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  • Proofreading Tips: What to Do with Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers

    Proofreading Tips: What to Do with Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers

    Nov 14, 2021

    • Common Errors
    • Editing Tips
    • Grammar
    • Proofreading Tips

    Dangling and misplaced modifiers are common grammar mistakes. In this post, we’ll talk you through how to spot and correct these errors as a proofreader. What Is a Modifier? In grammatical terms, a modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that describes, clarifies, or alters) another word or phrase within a sentence. A modifier might […]

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Proofreading Tips: Parentheses and Square Brackets in Chicago Style

  • Proofreading Tips: What to Do With Scare Quotes

    Oct 31, 2021

    • Common Errors
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Punctuation

    As a proofreader, what scares you the most? If scare quotes are the spookiest things you can think of, don’t worry. It might be Halloween, but there’s no reason to fear them! As long as you know what they are and when it’s appropriate to use them, you’ll know exactly what to do when they […]

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  • A Proofreader’s Guide to Straight and Curly Quotes

    Oct 28, 2021

    • Common Errors
    • Editing Tips
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Punctuation

    Quotation marks may seem simple, but if you’ve got a keen eye as all good proofreaders should you might notice some variety in these little symbols. In fact, quotes come in two distinct styles: straight and curly (or ). In this post, then, we’ll explain: The difference between straight and curly quotes. How to toggle […]

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  • Proofreading Tips: How to Proofread Quotations

    Oct 23, 2021

    • Academic Editing
    • Common Errors
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Punctuation
    • Style

    Academic writing accounts for a significant portion of many freelance proofreaders’ work. And, along with some other non-fiction, academic writing often relies heavily on quotations. It is thus important to know how to proofread quotations. In this post, we give an overview of things to consider when proofreading quotations in academic or other non-fiction writing. […]

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  • Proofreading Tips: Numbers in AP Style

    Oct 17, 2021

    • Business Editing
    • Common Errors
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Spelling
    • Style

    Created by journalists to help public-facing writing in 1953, The AP Stylebook is still one of the most commonly used American English style guides around. As a proofreader, you’ll often need to check the formatting of numbers when working with a client who writes in AP style. This post will take you through how to […]

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  • Proofreading Tips: What to Do With Comma Splices

    Sep 23, 2021

    • Common Errors
    • Editing Tips
    • Grammar
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Punctuation

    A good proofreader will know how to spot and correct common punctuation errors. One of the most common of these is the comma splice. But what exactly are comma splices, and how can you fix them? Read on to find out more. What Are Comma Splices? A comma splice is what happens when two independent […]

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  • 5 Commonly Confused Words to Look Out for While Proofreading

    Aug 28, 2021

    • Common Errors
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Spelling
    • Vocabulary Tips

    If you’re a proofreader, you’ll most likely find it easy to spot common spelling mistakes and typos. But some words might still catch you out from time to time. In this post, then, we’re looking at five commonly confused words that proofreaders should keep an eye out for. Becoming A Proofreader Have you got an […]

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  • Dos and Don'ts for New Proofreaders

    Dos and Don'ts for New Proofreaders

    Jul 18, 2021

    • Common Errors
    • Editing Tips
    • Freelance Tips
    • Other Errors
    • Proofreading Tips

    You’ve brushed up on your grammar, read the dictionary cover to cover, and you want to become a proofreader. Good start! But while good grammar and spelling is essential, sometimes it’s small mistakes that trip up new proofreaders. To help you avoid common mistakes, we’ve compiled our top five dos and don’ts for new proofreaders: […]

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  • Proofreading Tips: Abbreviations in AP Style

    Proofreading Tips: Abbreviations in AP Style

    Jul 11, 2021

    • Business Editing
    • Common Errors
    • Editing Tips
    • Other Errors
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Style

    AP style is commonly used by journalists, marketers, and PR specialists, whose writing often includes abbreviations. So, if you’re proofreading a document that uses AP style, you’ll need to know how abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms should be presented. With that in mind, then, this guide covers how abbreviations should be used in AP style. Becoming […]

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