Freelance Software and Tools

  • Workload Management Tools for Freelancers

    Workload Management Tools for Freelancers

    Apr 16, 2020

    • Freelance Software and Tools
    • Freelance Tips
    • Lifestyle Tips

    As a freelance proofreader, you may have several projects on the go for different clients at any given time. And keeping track of progress can be tricky! Luckily, there are plenty of good workload management tools available for freelancers. Check out our three top picks below. 1. Trello Trello is a Kanban board system that […]

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  • Time-Tracking Tools for Freelancers

    Time-Tracking Tools for Freelancers

    Apr 02, 2020

    • Freelance Software and Tools
    • Freelance Tips
    • Lifestyle Tips

    As a freelance proofreader, you may need to charge by the hour. But to do this, you’ll need to keep track of how long you work on each job. And rather than sitting at your laptop with a stopwatch, it makes sense to find a time-tracking app that can do this for you! In this […]

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  • Workload Management Tools for Freelancers

    Apr 16, 2020

    • Freelance Software and Tools
    • Freelance Tips
    • Lifestyle Tips

    As a freelance proofreader, you may have several projects on the go for different clients at any given time. And keeping track of progress can be tricky! Luckily, there are plenty of good workload management tools available for freelancers. Check out our three top picks below. 1. Trello Trello is a Kanban board system that […]

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  • Time-Tracking Tools for Freelancers

    Apr 02, 2020

    • Freelance Software and Tools
    • Freelance Tips
    • Lifestyle Tips

    As a freelance proofreader, you may need to charge by the hour. But to do this, you’ll need to keep track of how long you work on each job. And rather than sitting at your laptop with a stopwatch, it makes sense to find a time-tracking app that can do this for you! In this […]

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  • What Computing Skills Does a Proofreader Need?

    Mar 26, 2020

    • Freelance Software and Tools
    • Freelance Tips
    • Proofreading Software and Tools
    • Proofreading Tips
    • Skills and Experience

    In the old days, a proofreader could get by with nothing but a red pen and a set of arcane symbols. Now, though, technology has changed everything. So, do you need to be a technical whizz-kid to proofread in the modern world? Not quite, but you may need some computing skills. For instance, a proofreader […]

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